The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2025)

Classifieds To Place Your Ad: By Phone: 864-943-2509 Email: Online: Office: 610 Phoenix Greenwood SC Lobby Hours: Monday Friday 9 AM 4 PM Phone-In 9 AM 4 PM To Appear On: Place Ad By: 12 noon Friday Saturday Weekender Monday 12 noon Friday Tuesday 12 noon Monday Wednesday 12 noon Tuesday Thursday 12 noon Wednesday Friday 12 noon Thursday EMPLOYMENT CONSTRUCTION Carpenters helper wanted for ramp and deck builds. Pay will be based on experience. License or tools are not required. Also, Foreman needed for shower installation and basic bathroom remodel, tools and trans- portation are required. Pay will be discussed at interview.

If interested, contact Josh Brown at 864-992-8155 or Tyler Brown at 864-992-4997. REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE NORTH HILL RD Greenwood 4BR, 3BA home with lots of space for your family formal living room, family room, great room, sunroom. REDUCED TO Call Hilton Dodgen Auction Realty 864-227-8777. PIEDMONT AVE Greenwood PRICE REDUCED to Large kitchen new appliances flooring, 2 BRs an office that could be a 3rd BR, laundry room new washer dryer. Call Hilton Dodgen Auction Realty 864-227-8777 LOTS FOR SALE HWY 25 Ninety Six, SC Looking for acreage? 19.5 acres with nice mature hardwoods at the creek, beautiful homesites, and area.

$167,500. Call Hilton Dodgen Auction Realty 864-227-8777. KINGSWOOD SUBDIVISION Greenwood PRICED TO Large acre lot with pretty hardwood trees. Public water gas available. Great Location.

NEW PRICE $16,500. Call Hilton Dodgen Auction Realty 864-227-8777 RENTALS HOMES FOR RENT GREENWOOD 2 bedroom, 2 bath duplex, well maintained, no pets, no check, near town plus $950 deposit Call 864-227-9829 GREENWOOD- 114 Waters Edge Lake Community, Lots of ameni- ties, $1695 mo. deposit Call 625-1130 Leave message. NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is sub- ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national ori- gin, or intention to make any such pref- erence, limitation, or We will not knowingly accept any adver- tising for real estate which is in viola- tion of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

MERCHANDISE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DISH Network. $59.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, (where available.) Switch Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices.

Call today! 1-864-970-4091 Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFil- ter, the most advanced debris-blocking gut- ter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. off Entire Purchase. Senior Military Discounts. Call 1-844- 238-3225 Enjoy guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 4 FREE Burgers and 4 FREE Chicken Breasts.

Order the Omaha Steaks Classic ONLY $129.99. Call 1-844-246-9112 mention code 64185HMP or visit DIRECTV Switch and Save! Select All-Included Package. 155 Channels. 1000s of On Demand. FREE Genie HD DVR Upgrade.

Premium movie channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call 1-855- 617-0966 FUEL FIREWOOD ALLEN IRWIN Oak, Hickory, Seasoned or Green, any length delivered $80 (you haul $70, smaller amts. available) Appt. only 993-9948 or 227-1000. FURNITURE REAL FURNITURE VALUES was Kyle Murray Furniture we changed our name to better show our bargain pric- es! 100 Recliners In Stock- Including Lift Chairs, Mattress All Kinds Including Cool Tops, Unbeatable Prices! Hours 11 to 5 Tues, Wed, Thur and Fri. 1503 Montague Ave Ext Hwy 25 North, Mile North Of Aldi in Murrmont Place, Next to Bingo 864-993-5463 HEALTH BEAUTY Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim indepen- dence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One.

Free information kit! Call 864-900- 6396 HEAVY EQUIPMENT EXCAVATOR ZTS Cab 3 buckets Located in Greenwood MODEL 8025 $29,500 Call 603-800-9007 FARM GARDEN LIVESTOCK BUSH HOGGING SERVICES WE BUY GOATS AND SMALL FARM ANIMALS. 864-980-3577 TRANSPORTATION MOTORCYCLES 2004 KAWASAKI VULCAN NOMAD 1600 CC, 30,000 MILES, $2,400.00. Call 864-993-4169 CARS 1987 MERCEDES 560 SL Silver convertible. Will need to be towed. Needs a fuel pump.

Rides well. Included- detachable hard top and stand! $6,500. Call 864-378-2991 Index-Journal, Greenwood, S.C 5B Thursday, March 7, 2024 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone: 864-943-2509 Fax: 864-223-7331 Email: Classified ads will be taken between 9 am 12 noon, Monday Thursday and published the next day. Ads for the Weekender and Monday will be taken until 12 noon Friday. Ad cancellations will be taken until 12 noon weekdays for Tuesday Friday and 12 noon Friday for the Weekender and Monday.

In the interest of maintaining our standards of accuracy and good taste, the Index-Journal reserves the right to censor, revise, reclassify, edit or reject any advertisement. Should we refuse your ad, any money paid for publishing the ad will be returned to the advertiser, releasing all parties. Initial acceptance of an ad does not commit this paper to publish it and publication does not constitute an agreement for continued publication. ERRORS The liability of the pub- lisher on account of errors or omis- sions from any advertisement will in no way exceed the amount of the charge for the space occupied by the item in error, and then only for the first incorrect insertion. ALLEY OOP by Joey Allison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon YARD SALE Garage Directory WARE SHOALS, 15 Sparks Ave FRI SAT 10am-3pm ESTATE SALE Furniture, Clothes, Housewares, Tools, Books, and much more! Everything must go! HANDYMAN HOME IMPROVEMENT SCHWARTZ HOME IMPROVEMENT Vinyl Siding, Vinyl Railing, Vinyl Decks, Seamless Gutters, Leafguard, Replace- ment Windows.

Call David at 378-4652. 42 yrs. exp. Licensed, Bonded Insured STAN THE HANDYMAN 864-378-4423 Remodeling houses room addi- tions, carpentry, windows, doors, roofs, dry wall, deck vinyl siding. Small jobs ok.

Experienced business since HAULING Call It Off, Call IT Clean Out Houses, Junk (864)227-2212 Express Service (864)321-1115 or (803)968-0415 Thanks! Marty Richardson LAWN CARE LAWN CARE Grass Cutting, Weed Eating, Hedge Trimmed More! Call 864-323-2438 or 864-746-6366 also email us MR. GREEN LAWNCARE FREE ESTIMATES A-1 SERVICE Always Low Prices Guaranteed Lower Rates on Routine Services: Yard clean up, mowing, tree trimming, mulching, gardening, debris tree removal Call 864-396-3497 SCOTTS LAWNCARE Affordable and dependable! Mowing, prun- ing, mulching and all your landscaping needs. Licensed and Insured. Your Yard Done Call or text for a free quote. 864-396-3592 PAINTING WALLPAPER DAVIS PAINTING Residential Commercial Industrial Painting Your Home Is An Art.

WE ARE THE ARTISTS. Licensed, Uniformed, Insured, Bonded, Professional. DAVIS PAINTING 864.337.6304 If you are reading So are your potential customers For information on placing your ad in this directory, give our classified department a call at 864-943-2509 Classified Advertising 864.943.2509 Business Service Directory 78 for 30 days Prepayment Required LAWN CARE Place your ad online HOMES FOR RENT TV WITHOUT COMPROMISE. EXPERIENCE PREMIUM TV via your internet connection. CHOICE PACKAGE 84 99 MO.

for 24 months taxes and fees 24-mo. agmt. Advanced Receiver Service Fees and Regional Sports Fees up to are extra apply. 855.617.0966 IVS Holdings Contact your local DIRECTV dealer! Service subject to DIRECTV delivered via internet terms and conditions (see Available only in the U.S.

(excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Some may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Early termination fees apply for a maximum of $480, prorated at $20 per month over the 24-month term. Requires high speed internet. Minimum internet speed of 8Mbps per stream recommended for optimal viewing.

Pricing: for two years. After 2 years, continues month to month at then-current prevailing prices unless cancelled. Additional Fees Taxes: Price excludes Advanced Receiver Service Fees of (which is extra and applies to all packages) and Regional Sports Fees of up to (which is extra applies to CHOICE pkg or higher. State and local taxes or other governmental fees and charges may apply including any such taxes, fees or charges assessed against discounted fees or service credits. See for additional information.

Gemini Air Device: First device included for customers, otherwise $120 for new Gemini Air. Applicable taxes due at sale. Additional Gemini Air: Additional device for customers for 12 otherwise $120 each. Purchased Gemini Air may be returned within 14 days of the Ship Date for a full refund however all monthly fees, including additional monthly fees, will continue to apply. Additional Gemini Air(s) purchased on installment agreement subject to additional terms and conditions.

If service is cancelled within the 14 days of ordering, you must return the included device to avoid a $120 non-return of device fee. A full refund of charges will be applied, and the early termination fees will be waived. If service is canceled after 14 days, you can continue to access DIRECTV through the end of the bill period, but there is no refund or credit for partial-month or unwatched content. See cancellation policy at for more details. If you are subject to a lease agreement, lease fee per each additional device will be charged on your account.

Lease Equipment Non-Return-Fees: If you cancel your service, you must return your leased equipment. Failure to return any equipment will result in fees of $120 for each DIRECTV device. Regional Sports Local Channels: Regional Sports available with CHOICE and above. Not available in select areas. Channels vary by package billing region.

Device may need to be in billing region in order to view. Limits: Programming subject to blackout restrictions. DIRECTV Svc Terms: Subject to Equipment Lease (equipment lease not available in select sales channels) Customer Agreement. Taxes, surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), DIRECTV TECH PROTECT, transactional fees, and Federal Cost Recovery Fee are not included in two-year price guarantee. Visit or call for details.

All programming, promotions, pricing, terms, restrictions conditions subject to change may be discontinued, or terminated at any time without notice. See for details. DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

SLEEK. SMALL. SPECTACULAR TV. Our best equipment is yours at no extra cost CHECK YOUR AD! To ensure the best response to your ad, please take time to make sure your ad is correct. If you see an error, please call immediately to have it corrected.

The publisher, how- ever, is responsible for one incorrect day only and liability shall not exceed the portion of the space occupied by the er- ror. Be sure to check the first day your ad ap- pears. We will only add one run..

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2025)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.