Cramped in a small apartment full of boxes that seemed to pile to the ceiling, Neil and Charlie sat on the scratchy carpet of their new home.
They'd spent their whole morning moving box after box from the U-Haul truck, up 3 flights of stairs and finally into their apartment.
"Once we're done moving all this stuff maybe we could have a housewarming?" Neil said, taking big breaths between words. Both Neil and Charlie were completely exhausted from carrying things around all day.
"Maybe we could get the guys to do all the unpacking for us." Charlie joked, although there was a hint of seriousness in his voice.
Neil chuckled at his friends joke and a short silence followed.
"Do you think it was the right thing to do?" Neil's voice was quiet.
"To move out, I mean... I know it's for the best and I should just move on..."
There was a pause. "But?" His friend chuckled sort of awkwardly trying to break the tension.
"I'm just gonna miss him." Neil responded, his tone was completely genuine and if you listened carefully you could hear his voice break.
Of course, they were talking about their friend Todd.
Neil and Todd had been inseparable since the day they met in Welton Academy. They spent every waking moment in each others company, they shared a room together, they had classes together, they went to Dead Poets meetings together.
Now, Neil had developed a crush on Todd during this time, and as much as he'd like to say "it's not a big deal" or "it was just a small crush" he'd be lying.
After a long talk with Charlie about his feelings for Todd they both decided that maybe he should move out. He'd spent a long time living with Todd, maybe it was time for a change?
"Well of course you're gonna miss him! You've been in love with him since the day you two met, that's not gonna be easy to get over-" Charlie wasn't even able to finish his thought before Neil cut him off.
"I'm not in love I just-" He couldn't possibly sound more defensive if he tried.
"Look, Neil." There was a short pause before Charlie spoke again, he needed to think of the right words. "You wanna get over him, right?"
"Then you're gonna spend some time apart from him..." He turned to face his friend. "If I'm being honest... I always just assumed he felt the same way about you."
"Don't do that, Char."
"Hey, I'm just being honest." Charlie's words came out in an unusually transparent tone.
Finally, they had their place set up. Their apartment had an open floorplan with a small living room and kitchen that was separated by a short bar and stools. There was a hall that connected their bedrooms and bathroom to the living room.
A small couch, coffee table, tv. They tried to make it as homely as possible given that they'd only lived there for a few days. And it worked for the most part.
"When are they supposed to be here?" Charlie asked from behind the kitchen bar, he was watching the packet of popcorn turn in the microwave.
Neil glanced towards the clock they hung above the front door, it was 6pm. "Around now... Maybe they're just running late?"
And then, almost comically, someone knocked the door. Charlie seemed unphased by the sound and made no effort to answer the door. He was such a great host.
Neil pulled the door open. There was already a smile already plastered on his face before he saw his friend's.
They hugged then exchanged greetings and complimented the pair on the new apartment despite the fact that they barely had time to properly decorate, there were still a few boxes here and there.
"Hey." Todd was the last one in the room. Everyone else had gone into the living room and were making themselves at home. But for now it was just Neil and Todd in the doorway.
There was chatter coming from the living room but the sound seemed fuzzy from where the pair were standing in the hall. Neil definitely wasn't paying attention, especially with Todd right in front of him.
"Oh!" Todd rummaged through his tote bag and pulled out a book, it had post it tabs sticking out the sides as though it had been annotated. "Here." He handed the book to Neil.
"Thanks..." Neil takes the book in his hands and glanced down at it for a moment.
"I forgot to give it back to you after I borrowed it, and then... Well you moved out..."
It was a small copy of The Great Gatsby, ironically though Neil related to the main character as they both had friends in their lives that they had sort of a 'gay yearning' for. Though, neither of them would ever really admit it.
"It was good!" He began. "It was really good." Although Todd was obviously excited to talk about the book, he still spoke in his usual quiet voice. "Daisy was my favourite character by far."
"I knew you'd love her." Neil said, glancing back up at Todd from the book with a smile on his face.
Now that the other boys had settled into the apartment they were, rather loudly, discussing what they should do together.
"Monopoly?" Pitts asked.
Charlie shook his head. "No way, Pittsie."
"Why not?"
"It's too basic. We should play a more exciting game...hmmm."
Neil lightheartedly rolled his eyes before making his own way into the room with Todd. 'Typical Charlie.' He thought. It was obvious Charlie knew what he wanted to play yet he was making everyone wait, he was so dramatic. 'Maybe he should join the theatre.'
Then, suddenly, Charlie's face lit up. "Twister!"
After a too long game of Twister and a few rounds of Uno, Todd was exhausted. Beside him on the couch was Neil, it took everything in him to not lean against his friend and rest his head on his shoulder.
The group was laughing about something, Todd couldn't tell what exactly it was, he was just so tired. The only thing on his mind at this point (beside Neil) was going home and getting some sleep.
God knows what the time was by now. His eyelids were heavy and he had to stop himself from leaning back against the couch and passing out. Neil noticed, obviously.
"You doing okay?" He whispered. His voice was barely audible in comparison to the other boys.
All Todd could do was nod.
"Tired?" There was a sweet smile on Neil's lips.
That smile... Todd could feel his cheeks getting warm. He nodded again. "Just a little..." He replied with a yawn.
Neil's laugh was the sweetest sounding thing you could ever dream of hearing... Or at least that's what Todd thought. "Just a little? You look like you're gonna fall asleep."
Todd lazily shakes his head, earning another laugh from Neil
"You can stay the night if you want... That might be easier than taking the bus."
"Really?" Why did Todd sound so surprised? Of course Neil would let him stay the night, he wouldn't make Todd take the bus alone, especially so late.
"Of course!" Neil smiled wide.
Once the other boys had left and the only remaining people in the apartment were Charlie, Neil and Todd, Neil gave his friend a tour of the new apartment. It didn't take long as the apartment was relatively small and Todd had already been there for a few hours, however, he did like humouring Neil. He was always so theatrical.
"This is where you'll be staying." He said while mimicking some kind of fancy host, it made Todd laugh.
The room was small but cosy nonetheless. Theatre posters in frames lined the walls, he had a vanity that he used as a desk and there was a strip of photo booth pictures of Todd and Neil tucked between the mirror and the frame. Todd tried so hard to seem unphased by it, though his rosy cheeks gave him away.
He had a bookshelf that was more than full already, the middle of the shelves were sagging under the weight of the many, many plays and novels he owned.
Of course there was a box or two in the corner, Neil hadn't had time to move many of his smaller things into the room yet.
"You sure I can stay the night in here?"
"Don't be ridiculous, of course you can."
Neil left the room to give Todd some privacy as he got changed. Todd couldn't help but look around at the room. He was so used to all these things being in Neil's room- 'his old room.' Todd corrected himself- in their apartment, but now they were here.
He put on his fluffy pyjama pants and an old loose shirt before he made himself comfortable on Neil's bed.
Soon after, Neil came into the room wearing different clothes, clothes that Todd had seen him wear before. Now he was getting nostalgic, Neil had only moved out a week ago.
"Hey!" Neil said. 'He looks so cute when he smiles.' Todd thought.
"Hey..." Todd replied in a whisper.
"You comfortable?" Neil joked. "You can sleep there, I'll be on the couch."
"What?" Todd sounded offended on the behalf of his friend.
"You can't sleep on the couch, Neil- this is your room. Y-you should sleep in here."
Neil shook his head. "You're my guest. You should have the bed."
"But it's your apartment."
Neil was still stood in the doorway and Todd was still sat on the bed. Suddenly the energy in the room shifted, like there was something lingering under the surface of their conversation, something important and unspoken.
"Well you're already on the bed, Todd." Neil chuckled. Quickly though, Todd got up, stumbling a little at the speed at which he stood.
"Neil, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch."
"Well I guess we'll both just have to sleep on the couch then." Neil joked, though Todd didn't laugh, and just like that the air was tense.
"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch."
There was another pause between the two and they were both facing each other directly now.
"Then... I guess we'll just have to share the bed." Neil suggested, mostly joking. Key word being 'mostly'.
"Yeah..." Todd replied, his voice came out soft and quiet. "M-maybe we will..."
It's not like this would be the first time they shared a bed. Some of those nights at Welton got cold and those blankets were barely enough to shield one person from the temperature. Besides, it's not like anything was going to happen...
Todd sat comfortably at the head of Neil's bed, the pillows and cushions had been distributed between the two and they had propped them up behind them like makeshift backrests. Their hushed laughter filled the room.
"You're kidding." Neil said, in a playful tone.
Todd shook his head and even though he was still laughing he spoke with complete certainty. "I'm not."
"Allen really misses me?" Neil sounded somewhat surprised. Even though they had adopted the cat together some time ago it still surprised him that their cat could miss him.
"Of course he does."
"Well I guess if he misses me so much then I'll just have to move back in." Although he was being sarcastic, there was a trace of truth in his voice. Maybe he would have to move back in for their cat... And no other reason.
Todd let out a brief chuckle. The apartment was a lot quieter now and it was nearing the early hours of the morning and they had to keep their voices down. "So you'd move back in for the cat but not for me?" He joked but he still managed to sound somewhat offended.
"Oh come on..." Neil paused and took a moment to look up at Todd from across the other side of his bed. "You know I'd do anything for you, Todd."
Todd averted his gaze, he'd rather look anywhere else than look at Neil right now. He could feel his cheeks heat up, maybe he could just blame it on the temperature of the room, maybe Neil wouldn't even notice. Todd wanted to change the subject, he didn't want to talk about Neil being gone anymore, but he just couldn't get it off his mind.
"It's weird not having you around the apartment anymore..."
"It's only been a week." Todd could practically hear the smile on Neil's face, he was always smiling about something or another when they were together.
"Well... It's been a long week."
Now this was silence. Not exactly awkward or even anxious, but something else. Something remained between the two of them.
"Your room’s nice." Todd finally deflected the conversation onto something else, something easy to talk about.
"I-" Neil began. He could read Todd, and if he was going to change a conversation topic it must've been for a good reason. "You think so?"
"It's... Very you."
Neil chuckled. "I kinda figured that it's always been 'very me'. It is still all my stuff after all."
"Right- no- yeah-... You know what I mean." Todd shook his head, he was laughing with Neil now.
"I get what you're saying. It is a little different." Neil glanced around his room as if it had been the first time he's ever seen it. He began mentally nitpicking at the changes he'd made.
"Well for one," he started, "that huge cat scratching post isn't in here anymore."
"Yeah..." Todd looked around now too, he was picking up on the subtle things that were different about the room that used to be so familiar to him, silently missing the things that Neil had left in his old room.
"It's different without Allen, that's for sure, it's quiet." He chuckled. "And it's different without you constantly being in here-"
"I wasn't constant..."
Neil playfully rolled his eyes at his friend's disagreement. "It sooo was." Todd only responded by shaking his head with a disbelieving look on his face. "You were in my room all the time."
"Well... It'll be good to have this new space, right? And I'll have the apartment to myself." Todd was more talking to himself than talking to Neil, almost like he was trying to convince himself that Neil moving out was going to be good for them.
"I'll miss you being in here so often... It'll be so quiet."
"You're living with Charlie, it's definitely not gonna be quiet." Both boys laughed to themselves. It's like the world outside this room had stopped and they were the only two people in the world.
"Yeah." He continued to laugh. "I guess you're right."
"It might be a good change of pace?"
"Maybe..." Neil only half agreed. "I'll miss the quiet though... I'll miss you."
Their eyes met and Todds heart skipped a beat. "I'll miss you too..."
The room went quiet again. "We should probably get some sleep." He said awkwardly, breaking the tension. Now it was Neil who was deflecting and trying to change the subject. He got off the bed and started haphazardly moving the pillows and adjusting the sheet beneath them, not necessarily doing anything but just trying to make himself look busy.
Neil felt his world stop for Todd in that moment.
"Did... Did I d-do something wrong?" Todd asked, his voice was quiet, almost like he didn't want Neil to hear him.
"To make you want to move out... Did I do something wrong?"
Neil shook his head profusely. "No way. Todd you're the best roommate anyone could ask for."
There was a pause, Todd wasn't sure if he should leave the conversation there or not, but he was curious.
Finally, he asked. "Then what was it?" It was inevitable that Todd would ask Neil this question sooner or later.
Neil sighed, he had to make up something. "I thought it would be better to get out of the apartment, ya know?"
But Todd just looked up at him from the bed, unmoving. It was obvious that Todd didn't believe him.
"I thought it might help me..." Neil took a deep breath as if he was bracing himself. "I didn't want anything to come between us." He said about as much as he could without giving himself away.
Todd shook his head. "What do you mean?"
"It's just..." He sighed. How could he possibly explain this? "It's not a big deal."
"Then why can't you tell me?"
The air was thick and the pauses they took between talking felt like eternities.
"I didn't want anything to change between us, that's all." Now it was Neil who had turned his gaze away from Todd.
"Why would anything change?"
"I kind of..." He took another deep breath, his lungs filled with the cold night air that poured through his half open window. "Had a small... Crush on you while we were living together." He barely even glanced at Todd after he said this, he wished he could read Todd and tell just how he felt.
He had about a million questions for Neil but all he could manage to choke out was-
"It was just a small crush really, it was barely anything." He stuttered and stumbled over each word, with every sentence he let out he felt like he was letting out more and more that he couldn't take back.
"You... You m-moved out because you had a crush on me?"
"Yeah...." He nodded briefly before turning to Todd.
"But... you only moved out a week ago..."
The brunette nodded. He felt like there was a lump in his throat and a pit in his stomach.
"D-do you still... Feel like... That?"
Neil let out an awkward chuckle. "I guess so, yeah."
"You moved out to get over me?" Todd was still somewhat smiling, like he didn't believe it was true.
"Yeah." He nodded. Neil was a lot calmer now that it was out in the open. He thought this would've gone a lot worse than it did.
Todd let out a sigh of relief, which Neil immediately noticed.
He scanned Todd for any sign of discomfort or anger, though he didn't pick up on any. The only other time he'd felt this anxious was when his father showed up unexpectedly in the audience of a play he was in. But he'd rather not think about that.
"What?" Now that he was at ease he could finally do something besides just stand there and look anxious.
Todd dismissed the question by shaking his head, although he was still smiling. "It's just..." He lowered his voice. "I-I've gotten that advice before."
Neil just gave him a confused look.
"Meeks... He thought I should've m-moved out when I... Told him I liked you."
Neil went speechless, his mind was racing. It all made sense now, thinking back to all the times he even considered that Todd felt the same way about him. It all made sense.
"What?" Neil choked out as his lips formed a smile.
Todd reciprocated his smile. "Just before you moved out..."
The two boys shared a glance and the room seemed to shrink, pulling them closer together.
"Charlie had his suspicions." Neil joked. He tried keeping the conversation light hearted, he knew that Todd didn't hold up well under stress.
"I thought it was so obvious-" Todd mumbled, he hid his face in his hands.
In hindsight it was incredibly obvious. It was ridiculous that they had no idea that the other had feelings for them until now.
"I... I guess I just never noticed before." Neil sat back down in his original position on the bed. "I thought I was the obvious one." He laughed.
"Really?" Todd's voice came out like a mouse, he peeked at Neil from behind his hands.
"Oh yeah!" He nodded reassuringly. "Remember all the valentines' I made you?"
"Oh my God-" The shorter boy covered his face with his hands again, embarrassed, his face flushed red. "I had no idea."
"Really? No idea?"
Todd silently shook his head in response.
Neil hadn't noticed his cheeks heating up until he saw himself in the mirror. His face was bright red and there was a sweet smile on his face. He never even dreamed that this day would come. Not only was he able to confess to the love of his life, but to hear Todd say in his own words that he reciprocated those feelings, it just meant the world to him. Maybe this was the beginning of something new?
Carpe Diem.